Acupuncture Specialist

Pine Mountain Chinese Acupuncture & Herb Clinic
Ziyang Zhou, L.Ac.
Acupuncturist located in Austin, TX
Dr. Ziyang Zhou, Acupuncturist and Herbalist in Austin, Texas, learned under his grandfather who was an acclaimed specialist in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) known throughout China. Dr. Zhou worked as a medical doctor in China before coming to the US in 1995 to practice TCM. He has helped numerous patients with a variety of conditions such as back pain and pain management, digestive issues, allergies, fatigue, and women's health and fertility, to name a few. Scroll down to read more.
What Is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a treatment in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that involves the use of hair-thin needles on particular points throughout the body. The needles are inserted and promote the realignment of the flow of qi, the energy that runs through a person's body. In TCM, the inability of qi to flow freely through different pathways is part of the reason people experience different health problems.
How Does It Work?
Dr. Zhou will insert the needles at different acupuncture points based on the location of the pain or the problem the person is experiencing. Sometimes, the needles are inserted near the problem or on another part of the body not located near the problem. By getting the qi to flow to a particular area, it has the ability to reduce pain or rebalance the body’s energy. Many researchers speculate the needles aid in the release of chemicals like endorphins or natural opioids that relieve pain, discomfort and other symptoms.
Is It Safe, and Does It Hurt? What Are The Needles Like?
Acupuncture is a completely safe procedure at Pine Mountain Chinese Acupuncture and Herb Clinic. Dr. Zhou uses single-use, sterilized, and disposable needles. The needles are very fine, and many patients say acupuncture is painless; Dr. Zhou has perfected his technique to prevent discomfort. If your acupuncturist has given the patient the correct stimulus, they may feel tingling, heaviness distension, or an electric sensation around the needle.
Acupuncture has very few side effects, and most people don't experience any. Some patients may have slight bleeding, bruising or site reaction, but this isn't common.
Dr. Zhou is a specialist in women's health and fertility, so those who are pregnant can consult with Dr. Zhou to create a pregnancy-specific treatment plan. Those on blood thinners or who have a bleeding disorder should consult with Dr. Zhou and their primary care practitioner prior to acupuncture because of their risk of bleeding.
What conditions does Acupuncture treat?
Acupuncture can treat a wide range of illnesses. Among which, the World Health Organization has recommended acupuncture for the following conditions:
1. Ear, Nose, and Throat Disorders
Sinus/nasal inflammation or dryness, earaches, pain after tooth extraction.
2. Respiratory Disorders
Uncomplicated bronchial asthma in children or adults
3. Gastrointestinal Disorders
Digestive tract problems, hiccups, inflammation of the stomach, chronic duodenal ulcers, diarrhea, inflammation of the colon, constipation, dysentery caused by certain bacteria.
4. Eye Disorders
Inflammation of the conjunctiva or the central retina, nearsightedness (in children) and uncomplicated cataracts.
5. Nervous System and Muscular Disorders
Headaches, migraines, certain facial paralysis or nerve pain, partial weakness after a stroke, inflammation of nerve endings, bed wetting, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, sciatica, low back pain, and osteoarthritis.
Insurance & Pricing
Our clinic participates in most major insurance programs and networks. However, insurance plans vary in coverage so acupuncture is not a guaranteed benefit, even when Dr. Ziyang Zhou is an in-network provider. Please call your insurance company to verify or our office can verify it for you. We are proud to now be covered by Veterans Affairs Patient Centered Community Care (VAPC3). See our "Before Your Visit" page in Patient Information for more information. Currently Medicare covers acupuncture for lower-back pain only when it is performed by medical doctors or in their offices. Licensed acupuncturists are not covered because we’re not in-network with Medicare. Without insurance coverage, we offer a discounted rate of $130 for the first treatment and $105 for each additional treatment. Or we offer a prepaid package of 5 treatments for $95 each for a total of $475 ($75 in savings).